Welcome to our FAQ page! If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team via our Official Discord Server!



What's the difference between your pricing plans?

One agency account ($150): The one-time payment of $150 will grant you access to one of our premium agency accounts. You'll also get access to a private client channel in our server in which you can ask any questions you might have to our team. Please note that all top-ups added with this pricing plan, will have an additional 2.5% fee from our agency!

Premium Support Plan ($100/per month): The premium support plan is an additional monthly fee of $100 and it ensures that there will be 0 fees from our agency on your top-ups. In addition to that, if you get suspended while having the premium support plan you are eligible for a free replacement account each time that happens!


Why would I need an agency account?

With our premium agency accounts you can target worldwide without paying any VAT to the country you target no matter your location. In addition to that, they are harder to get suspended and we have a dedicated team of TikTok Reps in our company which can review your creatives or give us insights on why you got suspended so we know what to avoid doing for the future!

Agency accounts also tend to give better metrics overall in comparison to normal ad accounts!


Is there any spending limit on your accounts?

Our premium agency accounts don't have any spending limit and you're free to spend as much as you want!


How can I add balance to my account?

Since TikTok has suspended any self top-up option for agency accounts, only agencies can add balance to agency accounts. All top-ups are added via our agency and you can send them with Revolut, Wirex, Crypto or PayPal!


What difference does the account's timezone make?

The timezone of your account only affects what time your ads will be posted. You will still be able to target worldwide with it!

For example if you want to target UK and start the campaign at 00:00AM and your account is in New York timezone, you'll need to calculate the time difference between New York and UK and start the ads at the equivalent time in New York!



What happens if my account gets suspended?

Our premium agency accounts are more robust and have less risk of suspensions than regular ad accounts. In the rare case of a suspension, the service provided depends on your pricing plan:

One-time payment: We'll check the reason of your suspension, by creating an appeal on TikTok in your behalf as an agency. We'll utilize our Official TikTok Reps to try and recover your account and if we manage to do it successfully, you'll regain access to it.

If we don't manage to recover it, you'll need to get a new agency account for the returning customer price of $120!

Premium Support Plan: You'll work closely with our team in order to prevent any suspensions from happening. If you get suspended from TikTok, you'll get a free replacement account from our agency immediately, while we try to recover your old account so you don't lose any time on your advertising!


What happens to the balance inside my ad account, if it gets suspended?

Balance inside a suspended ad account cannot be moved or withdrawn, unless the account gets recovered completely. This is TikTok's policy and it applies for both normal ad accounts and agency accounts.

You can check TikTok's refund policy by clicking here.


What happens if my agency account is inactive for 30 days?

If an agency account is inactive for 30 days or more, it will get suspended instantly. In that case, your access to the agency account will be revoked and your customer channel in our server will be deleted instantly!


How can I prevent suspensions from happening?

All of our clients get access to a private channel in which we share tips on how to avoid suspensions and a detailed PDF from our Official TikTok Reps regarding TikTok suspension policies. If you follow our instructions you won't get suspended!


My account got restricted, what does that mean?

Restrictions are nothing to worry about! It happens to some new agency accounts to give TikTok more time to fully approve the account!

Normally, restrictions are lifted after 2-3 days automatically. Please note that restrictions won't affect the performance of your account at all, once they are lifted successfully!

How can we help?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our services, feel free to reach out to our team via our discord server!